Saturday, September 29, 2012

Analysing a text like an essay

I love watching Youtube videos. It's even better when I watch Youtube videos of my favourite Youtubers, particularly WongFu Productions. I watched one of their videos titled "Textreme" a while ago, and I found it very realistic because this shows how we respond to texts we get from people we are interested in. Watch the video below to find out:

I won't deny that I do this sometimes, but I consider some circumstances on why I analyse a text before I send it. And besides, it's not like the person who will receive my text has no other things to do or doesn't have a life to live so he or she would rather wait for my text. Because we shouldn't rely on our cellphones too much.
On the other hand, sometimes we do need to think carefully of our texts especially if we're sending it to a superior at work or employer. So we don't text them like we're texting our closest friends. 

At the end of the day, it's all about being responsible on how one communicates--be it in text, call, social networking sites, the rest of the internet world, or in real life. 

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more! You sure have to be careful about what you put out there!
