Saturday, August 7, 2010

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride

Or in this case, I was the maid of honour. I've been a bridesmaid for two times; and this is the third time that I was made maid of honour. And like they always say (who are they, exactly? I've always heard 'they' many times.), "Always the bridesmaid, never the bride". But this isn't about me who hasn't been married yet, when I should've been by now (but not really). Because right now I have no intentions of marrying, for I find myself too young to embark on that journey, and I need to gain more wisdom and experience in order to be a someone for my someone. And besides, it's the bride's day on her wedding day, so why ruin something that normally happens once in her lifetime? 

Being the maid of honour for the first time has made me realize that it's very exciting to be a bride on her wedding day. I think she must feel like a princess, but at the same time, worried on how everything would work out on her day, without shelling out any or her own assistance. Of course, brides know that the preparation is very nerve-wracking, but on her day, she must feel like she owns everyone, like everything she says are done and no one refutes her when they don't agree to her wishes.

This must be the margarita working, but I only had a few sip, because I wanted to savour the food and the night my only sister will never forget and will always remember (I hope so.). This is exactly the main reason for my homecoming, but on this day, I didn't think of any other persons who are not part of the wedding, nor the reunions and plans that we're having next week. It'll be Sunday in less than 2 hours, and it's the second to the last Sunday that I'll be here. But back to the wedding. 

No one can really just steal the bride on her day. The wedding is her own show, so whatever she wants to happen, will happen. Like a producer or director who has assistants to assist her. Ushers or usherettes who are always there not just for the wedding coordinator but for everyone who has a query, comment, suggestion, or violent reactions. Everything is focused on her, she is the star of her show. So hearing the same phrase over and over again, it sort of makes me think that why focus on yourself too much, when it's not even your wedding. 

There is nothing wrong as a woman to make yourself look attractive on someone else's wedding, but what if one guest overtakes the bride or her makeup? That would be embarrassing, right? But to look even better than the bride, now that's saying something.

I'm hopeless. I really do need to sleep. I've been fighting sleep, which I shouldn't be doing if I want to keep healthy. I apologize for the random post.

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