Just when you thought you've had enough of 'aww moments', here I go with my own version. Once in a while, when I watch a drama, or a movie, or read a book, I come across with these lines (or quotes, as I'd like to call them) and out of the blue I decided to post it here on this blog so I can look back on them (and be all mushy and sentimental? please. I've had enough of that with the dramas I watch, thank you very much.) and share these to you as well. And all the credits will be given to them, of course, I'll even rack my brains just to remember where I took it. And I would be posting more in the future, when a line strucks me or if it reminds me of something.
Poster from the 2009 Korean drama Boys over Flowers Gu Jun Pyo (Lee Min Ho) and Guem JanDi (Gu Hye Sun) ep4; edited using Picnik
But there is no logic in love. Falling in love is an irrational thing. Even just by falling in love with someone, you'll hurt people, and you'll get hurt yourself. To be truly in love with someone, you have to be ready to put your life at risk.
+ Hana Yori Dango Returns, ep4, Nishikado Soujiro (Matsuda Shota)
Love in the past never changes because it remains in your heart forever.
+ Heartbreak Library, Cho Eun Soo (Eugene)
What do you think love is? Love knows no past and no future, it is just a means to connect at the very moment when you feel your heart swelling with love with the next moment right here and now.
Being in love itself holds a great meaning even if it didn't work out. The moment you fall in love, that feeling will always remain inside of you.
+ Tokyo Love Story, ep , Akana Rika (Suzuki Honami)
A man wants to be a woman's first love. But a woman wants to be a man's last love.
+ Proposal Daisakusen, ep , Yosei/Fairy (Mikami Hiroshi)
Fireworks are not fun at all when you're watching them by yourself. Fireworks disappear right away, but it's something to see with your friends. Even if you forget the colors and shapes of the fireworks, You will always remember the faces of the friends next to you.
+ Honey and Clover Japan, ep , Ayumi's father
When it comes to precious memories, the more you go back to them, the more important they get.
+ Bokura Ga Ita manga, Nanami Takahashi
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
+ 1 litre of Tears, ep9, Haruto Asou (Nishikido Ryo)
note: I have my reasons for including the last line from the Japanese drama 1 Litre of Tears. First off, I'm a Ryo fangirl. Second, the last scene in ep9 is worth watching with its 'aww moment' , and its not just because of this line, but because he mentioned something that's even better than this, which I will not post, and for you to find out, if you are curious. (The drama is really worth watching, by the way.)
No cancers and amnesias. No two rich guys who will fall in love with a poor girl. No two people living together in one roof until they fall in love. No constant bickerings of an unlikely couple from start to end. No love squares (or triangles). Nope, this doesn't have the million Korean drama cliches you'll ever think of. Story of a Man (english title: The Slingshot) is just about an average man, plotting ways on how to revenge this quiet and mysterious son of a rich business man who adores (not really the word, but I'm trying to prevent spoilers) his sister.
L-R(characters): Ahn Kyung Tae, Kim Shin, Park Mun Ho, Do Jae Myung
So I was browsing my other blog looking around for what post to import here, and I decided to post this entry that I posted two months ago.
I was watching this drama, and even though the plot was getting a bit exciting, I decided to pause it for a bit so as to maintain the excitement that I feel as well as look through this site for new updates. (Sometimes, I marathon a drama especially if it keeps me at the edge of my seat. As for this drama though, I thought that I needed a break because this isn't your typical Kdrama, so I thought of putting it aside and not think about it for a while, so as to avoid being sucked into that world.) And so I stumbled upon this post, which got me intrigued so I decided to watch it first.(I assure you, your 66 minutes won't be put to waste.)
Born and raised in a concentration camp
Shin Dong Hyuk and hosted by Adrian Hong uploaded by googletechtalks
This video pretty much says it all. I remember watching a documentary about this group who went to N.Korea and filmed a documentary for National Geographic (or Discovery? my memory is very vague) and they were only allowed to film approved places, and they had to really keep the hidden camera very well.
PS: just to let you know, I've posted this 2 months ago in my other blog, so I've already finished the drama and it was awesome. not your typical Korean drama, so you can try watching it, but don't expect the usual story.
photographed by jason wu, yoshi chang stylist stphanie liu;
hair & makeup double b&co inc.;
loacation at style-k, wonkwanglighting
Due to her striking performance in Boys Over Flowers, she is once again in the limelight. Vogue proceeded to personally interview goo hye sun, and reveal a different yet true personality of her other than the one on screen. Seoul。具惠善比约定时间提早五分钟抵达,她戴着一顶黑色软皮帽,穿着一件黑色T-shirt,搭配黑长裤,靴子也是黑色的,一身的黑像是想将自己隐藏在人群里,然而姣好肤质中所透出的那股晶亮的白,却反倒让她的存在感显得益发鲜明。
Seoul. Goo hye sun arrived 5 minutes ahead of the appointed time. She was wearing a black soft leather hat, a black T-shirt, black pants and black boots. Her entirely black outfit appears to help hide her in the crowd, however her white sparkling skin seems to contradict the intention and made her stand out.
If you hang out at the soompi forums, I'm pretty sure you've seen most of the members' banners and signatures. And I'm sure, that you've heard of this drama, Boys over Flowers (or Boys before Flowers).
I admit, I was part of that fever months ago so I decided to make a banner (or signature), just for fun. I save most pics from Luv at soompi, and I edited it using picnik, which helps you edit pictures with their features without installing photoshop. (Of course, PS is still better, but I don't have it installed, so, do understand.)
So this first pic is from episode 10 and that's JanDi and Jun Pyo, and this is the original picture that I got from Luv.
For the second one, this is from episode 21, and that's The F4(and their lovely backs.lol), and again, edited it using picnik. Unfortunately, I can't credit whom I took the picture from but its from the BoF thread at soompi. As for this picture, I decided not to write any quotes about friendship or anything because I don't want it to sound too cheesy, which is not really my thing.
070309. I just made this awhile ago while I was reading a JunDi fanfiction in soompi. This shot was in episode 4 of the series, the text written there is the title and the writer of the fanfic. Actually, as of today, this hasn't been written yet, this is just the second part of the 3 plotlines that the writer did, with the readers choosing their faves. Its just something that I did out of boredom.
So, I do appreciate comments, and you know what to do, if you wanna use it, no hotlinking but do credit me using my profile name or a link to my blog. Thanks a lot.
I'll be posting stuff here as well as importing some of the posts that I have in my other blog. That one would be for the more personal stuff, since I've got friends who read it.
And no, don't worry; I don't need any welcome words here.