Interview in Vogue Taiwan (July 2009)
silent waves
Goo Hye Sun's dangerous feminine heart
photographed by jason wu, yoshi chang
stylist stphanie liu;
hair & makeup double b&co inc.;
loacation at style-k, wonkwanglighting
Due to her striking performance in Boys Over Flowers, she is once again in the limelight. Vogue proceeded to personally interview goo hye sun, and reveal a different yet true personality of her other than the one on screen.
Seoul. Goo hye sun arrived 5 minutes ahead of the appointed time. She was wearing a black soft leather hat, a black T-shirt, black pants and black boots. Her entirely black outfit appears to help hide her in the crowd, however her white sparkling skin seems to contradict the intention and made her stand out.
she quietly moved through everyone's midst, and entered the filming site, waiting quietly in the dressing room, for the hair stylist. Different from the exuberant optimistic personality of Geum jandi in Boys Over Flowers, everything about her seem to exude a quietness, as if to separate herself from the world.
具惠善的演艺过程,有着一个很戏剧化的开始,朋友好玩的把她的大头照 post到网上,就这么转贴再转贴的,在网路上流传了起来,大量网民的支持,将她一举推上2002年网路美少女的宝座,开启了具惠善的演艺之门。 2004年正式以演员的身份出道,之后平均一年一部戏,《男生女生向前走5》、《薯童谣》、《加油菊花》、《最强七宇》,乃至新近大热门的《流星花园》, 关于她的演出,评价不一,有人肯定,有人喝倒采,然而不管有多少的掌声或质疑,

Goo hye sun's acting career had a drama-like start. Her friends posted her picture on the web and through the support of netizens, led to her being crowned as an Uljjang of 2002, giving a jumpstart to her acting career. She officially debuted as an actress in 2004, after which she has been acting in a production every year "Nonstop 5", "SuhDongyoo", "Pure 19", "Strongest Chilwoo", leading up to the highly popular "Boys Over Flowers". Opinion on her acting are diversed, some applaud her while others don't. However, there's one thing that's certain, and that is Goo hye sun has been thrust into the limelight.
从演戏的过程中,感受到自 己不曾想像的快乐,但就像具惠善常常自我解嘲说的:我的问题,就是我想做的事情太多。一旦开始,就一定要看到个结果,拍摄《流星花园》时,她起手写小说 《探戈》,每天收工之后就写,每天只睡一小时。很累啊,非常累,那时候觉得自己好像快要死了,可是我没有办法停下来,因为当迫切的想做某件事情的时候,我 即使停下来,也睡不着;她同时也导戏,去年执导的短篇小品《快乐好帮手》,在今年釜山亚洲短篇电影节中,入围决赛;新近正筹备个人画展,而一手包办词曲创 作的专辑,也在紧锣密鼓的进行中……。编剧、导演、写作、画画、做词、作曲……,具惠善用不同的形式把心情「说」出来,那些让她感动,或者郁积于内在底层 的。
She has experienced happiness that she has never felt through acting. However Goo hye sun says that her problem is there are too many things she'd like to do. Once she starts on something, she's determined to see the end result. While filming "Boys Over Flowers", she started penning her novel "Tango". She would write everyday after filming has wrapped up and sleep only an hour a day. It's tiring, very tiring, at that time, I thought I'm dying, however I couldn't pause. When I urgently need to do something, even if I stop what I'm doing, I wouldn't be able to sleep. She's also involved in movie directing, having personally directed the short film "Cheerful Caretaker" last year. During this year's Busan Asian Short Film Festival, it was nominated into the final round. Recently she's planning her personal art exhibition. Additionally she's also currently working on a record where she writes her own songs. Goo hye sun expresses her deepest self through different avenues of writing scripts, directing, writing novels, drawing, penning lyrics and creating melodies.
On site, Goo hye sun faces the camera, sometimes widening up into a sweet smile, sometimes staring far ahead, revealing various expressions in a short time span. During the break, she resumes back to her quiet self. Her face seem expressionless such that it's hard to guess how she's feeling.

Q:"What would you do if you were to choose Goo hye sun as the main theme of your creation?"
A:I haven't thought about that before. I think I will produce an abstract sketch of my face. It will probably be a comical face. It was rare to see the sudden impishness she expressed in that moment.
This is the other side of the Goo hye sun I met in Seoul, one who is complicated and rich in diversity, different from the Geum Jandi character of "Boys Over Flowers".
Koo hye sun。我认为一个完美的女人,是可以面对自己的女人,不管是面对现实,或者能够去包容自己的不完美,对我来说,一个愿意去包容自己不完美的女人,才真正是一个百分之百的女人。
I think a perfect woman is one who can face oneself and see the truth/reality, or one who can embrace/pardon her own imperfection. I think only a woman who's willing to embrace and condone her own imperfection is one who be a 100% woman.
在众多女性角色中,我最喜欢Vivien Leigh演的《飘》(乱世佳人),她不是属于乖巧的那种,但却是最诚实的一个女人,她诚实的面对自己的本能,面对现实,然后跟现实做一个协商,她会后 悔,也会在心中兴起怜悯的感觉,她可能是一个有点自私的女生,可是我觉得她的那个样子,非常美丽。
Amongst all female characters, my favorite is Scarlett whom Vivien Leigh portrayed in "Gone with the wind". She's not the prim and proper lovable protagonist. However, she's a truthful woman. She truthfully faces herself and reality, and makes a bargain with reality. She may regret, and may feel pitiable. Although she's considered slightly selfish as a female, I think that's what makes her beautiful.
Thinking from an objective point of view (the other person's point of view), and being condoning and understanding has been a habit of mine. Due to that reason, I've never burst into a large temper. If I really can't communicate well with another person, I'll seek the advice of other people since one seizes to be objective when facing off the other party. If others tell me I was in the wrong, I'd give in to the other party.
The biggest obstacle I've experienced is breaking up with my first boyfriend. I couldn't accept it when it happened. I couldn't understand why we had to break up, and why things turned out that way. My mind was full of revenge, full of hatred, I hated him for turning me into such a person. It was truly an unbearable time for me.

However, as time passed, other people came into my life and break-up happened once again. During this repetition, I realized that these things are normal. Every person yearns for love, however the thing which is hardest to possess is another person.
Being free doesn't mean one can do anything as one wishes. I used to think that dating two person at the same time is totally uncondonable. However, I've come to realize that even a betrayal can be understood. Perhaps it's because I've gradually come to understand what men are like..... Therefore the thing that's truly unforgivable is if one destroys another's life on impulse, e.g. murder. Freedom should only be exercised when it does not interfere with others.
I've come to realize that love really has its expression. Not long ago I met a couple who had just gotten hitched. I went singing with them and noticed how they looked at each other. That was the first time I noticed the expression of love, when one person truly truly loves the other person. So this is love...
I've never looked at someone in that way throughout my 26 years.
最 大的挑战,是结婚。结婚是一件太难的事情了,因为爱情或者结婚对我来说,意味着某种放弃,放弃工作、放弃朋友,放弃自己人生的某一部份。事实上,人生原本 就是由一个又一个的选择累积而成,而当你选择了某一样东西时,势必就得放弃另外一样东西,以前的我,为了爱情甚至可以放弃自己,但现在的我,应该做不到。
The greatest challenge is -- marriage. Marriage is a difficult thing for me becoz love or marriage signifies giving up for me. Giving up one's work, one's friends, part of one's life. Life is made up of choices one makes throughout the way. Whenever we choose something, we're bound to give up another. I used to be able to even give up myself for the sake of love. However I don't think I can do it now.
There are still a lot of things that I'd like to do. I'd like to film a long movie about music and I think movies are the best way to express art. I'd like to communicate with the whole world through movies. Goo hye sun's eyes spoke of her dreams. She would like to continue making movies forever. She says that is her greatest dream.
original article credit: baidu
translation: webby @ GHS soompi thread page243
Posted with the permission of the main translator.

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